How to Easily View the Default H2 Database of WSO2 API Manager Using DBeaver Community

Piyumal Kularathna
1 min readOct 13, 2022


WSO2 API Manger is an open-source platform for building and managing APIs with ease.

Even-though it supports other databases, it comes with the default H2 database. So if you need to take a quick look at the database of API Manager you can follow this documentation for APIM 3.x and upwards and this documentation for APIM 1.X and 2.X.

But if you are reading this, somehow you may need to view the database without doing any change to the product. So this article will hopefully make your life easier.

You only need to follow below nine steps and within minutes, you will be able to view database of API Manager.

  1. Download DBeaver Community.
  2. Open DBeaver and click “New Database Connection” button which looks like a plug.
  3. Select “H2-Embedded”.
  4. Let’s say your product path is <product-apim>. Open the database you want from <product-apim>/repository/database. (Ex : <product-apim>/repository/database/
  5. Click “Edit Driver Settings”.
  6. Go to the “Libraries” tab and delete the default Jar file from there.
  7. Add H2 Jar file from <prodcut-apim>/repository/components/plugins.
  8. Save it and give default username and password as “wso2carbon” which is the default username and password.
  9. Test connection and click “Finish”.

After these steps, you will see the database on your left side of DBeaver. From that, you can get a quick view of the database of API Manager.

​Happy Coding ♥️​​

